Trinity Lutheran Church

Worship Services

5:30 p.m. - Worship Service

9:00 am - Worship Service
10:15 am - Sunday School For All Ages
10:15 am - Adult Bible Study

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Calendar of Events

There are currently no events scheduled.

Ministry Groups

Dorcas Circle

Dorcas Circle is a women’s group which meets the first Friday of each month at 9:00 a.m. Anyone is invited, as they spend time studying God’s Word and enjoying Christian fellowship and refreshments. Group activities also include making of health kits for Lutheran World Relief, making of baptismal napkins, assisting in making and tying quilts, and anything of assistance to those in need.

Martha Circle

Martha Circle is a women’s group which meets on the fourth Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. On top of Bible study and social fellowship, this group serves the church by putting together the newsletter and distributing them in the mailboxes.

Men's Dartball

Men's Dartball is played through the months of November-March. Men of all ages are invited to test your underhand dart throwing at a baseball field-like dartboard 12 feet away. Fun and fellowship are enjoyed each Monday night as the team travels to surrounding churches for weekly games.