Trinity Lutheran Church

Worship Services

5:30 p.m. - Worship Service

9:00 am - Worship Service
10:15 am - Sunday School For All Ages
10:15 am - Adult Bible Study

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What to Expect at Worship

Trinity offers two worship opportunities every weekend, Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sundays at 9:00 a.m.  We also have Wednesday evening services during Advent (December) and Lent (six weeks leading up to Easter).

Some important components in every worship service are:


As you enter the sanctuary, you will be given a bulletin (order of service). Our services are easy to follow. The parts the pastor speaks and the parts the congregation speaks are clearly labeled.


As we gather together to hear God's Word, each service begins with a time to greet each other in fellowship. It's a great time to greet old friends and make new ones as well!

God's Word

Each service includes three related readings from the Bible that form the basis for the Pastor's message.


Music is an important part of worship at Trinity. Songs are either written in the bulletin or found in the burgundy hymnal, officially titled Lutheran Service Book, behind the bench in front of you. Page numbers are indicated in the bulletin and we sing the whole song unless otherwise noted or announced.


Every service at Trinity includes a Message (Sermon) given by Pastor. While the messages vary from week to week, every Sunday you will hear the life-saving, life-transforming message that points to Jesus and tells what God has done and continues to do in our lives.


After the Message, all people (visitors and members) are invited to write their names on our fellowship pads located in the middle of each pew. On these sheets you are able to make known any request for a special call from the pastor or inquire about making Trinity your church home.

Also during this time, the Offering gives people a chance to respond to all that God provides. As all we have and all we are is from the Lord, it is a time to give back, so that His work in the church and community can continue and expand. It is our prayer that the service will be a blessing to you and if you are visiting Trinity, please consider the service our gift to you.


Each service includes a specific time for prayer. There are prayers that give thanks to God and prayers that ask for His help and guidance. Some are specific to people and situations and others are more general in nature. The Lord’s Prayer is included in every service.


The service ends with a parting blessing, final song and any special announcements. After the service our church-family can turn to greet one another, meeting new friends and catching up on whatever is going on with old friends. The congregation exits down the center aisle to greet and visit with the pastor and anyone else. Trinity has a welcome gift for first time visitors too.


Other Service Notes

Families with Children

Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Luke 18:6). It is a wonderful thing to have kids of all ages join in worshipping our Lord! In order to best assist your worship with children:

  • Please help yourself to the Kids’ Bags during the service. These bags include various activities for children, and are found on the rack at the back of the church.
  • A Children's Message is offered each week during the service, and parents are invited to accompany kids of all ages to the front of the church for this learning time. At the close of the Children’s Message, a special children’s bulletin is handed out for the child to use during the remainder of the service.
  • Changing tables are located in the women’s restroom at the bottom of the stairs near the sanctuary entrance, or in the family restroom downstairs in the hallway past the fellowship hall.
  • Please know that noise from children is expected and part of the process as children learn to worship. Trinity believes it is important for families to worship together and welcomes children in all services. If, however, a parent feels the need to step out with a child, please feel free to use the room in the back of the sanctuary or the Little Lambs Pre-School room located downstairs.

What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in! Some people wear “business casual”, others choose dresses and ties and others opt for blue jeans.

What if I'm interested in becoming a member?

At times throughout the year, pastor offers an 8-week class that meets to study the basics of the Lutheran faith. For more details, call the church office to speak with pastor.

What about Communion?

Trinity celebrates the Lord's Supper the first two weekends of each month. We kindly ask our guests who desire to receive communion to speak with pastor prior to the service. More details of "Preparing for Communion" are found in the bulletin on Communion Sundays. For additional information, see

Do you have Sunday School or Bible Class after Church?

Yes! Sunday School for children ages preschool-8th grade is offered Labor Day through Memorial Day following 9a.m. worship.  Students grades 5 and younger gather downstairs in the fellowship hall while students grades 6-8 meet in the room at the back of the sanctuary.
Sunday School includes age-appropriate lessons and activities focused on God's Word and music time for students grades 5 and below. Children are welcome to join anytime during the year!

Adult Bible study also meets at 10:15 a.m. upstairs in the sanctuary.